What we do

Life Change Support Network is a nonprofit organisation working within the UK Community & Social Care System. We provide support and associated services for groups (including the minority and overlooked); who have experienced violence, abuse and marginalised to enable them to recover and regain independence.

Our goal is to help vulnerable people achieve better lives by raising awareness about the effect of engaging in any form of abuse and marginalisation in our society.

Life Change Support Network team seeks to promote, motivate, inspire and encourage vulnerable people to realise their self-worth, gifts and how they can recover, regain independence and also to encourage them to become successful individuals.

A registered Community Interest Company (CIC) and a company limited by guarantee, Life Change Support Network first started, having identified various vulnerable groups in society ranging from those who had experienced domestic violence, suffered Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), those with lack of support for ongoing through domestic abuse (with or without recourse to public funds or access to social services support system).

Our aim is to give these individuals their self-respect back; to make them independent, and give them the skills they need to take their rightful places back in society, contribute to the economy and the communities around them, and live, fulfilled lives.

Our philosophy
Life Change Support Network delivers high impact programs and reformatory practices which motivate identified vulnerable individuals to take full responsibility for their lives and further contribute to the society at large.
Methodology and Approach

  1. Motivational Workshops

  2. Life Skills Training

  3. Workplace Orientations

  4. Reformation and Intervention Clinics

  5. Mentoring and Leadership